Ain't gonna lie, I got nothing done this week for all intents and purposes. I have decided on a few changes about how to do ikadb, though. Firstly the database part of it will be more modular than originally considered- the ika implementation will use sqlite but if I want to switch over to something else it should be simple. Secondly, I'm keeping the backend's name as GRAPES rather than calling the entire project ikadb. Following that, the program itself will be able to run independently of iked. Simple fact is I want to take my tool with me when I have to depart from ika without having it too heavily tethered. Using separate Python code to define data types might be a little awkward but it'll do.
Aside from that I've done some consideration and decided that a more demo-oriented approach (as the original Gruedorf rules promoted) is probably a good idea. While it may not be the most logical approach in programming, the human side of it is much more inspired when it sees actual progress instead of theoretical progress. So expect posted builds from this point on (at least, if I can find web space to put them on).
The last few Gruedorf posts (notably grue's and overkill's) were remarkably more inspiring than usual, not that this actually promoted me to do much of anything, but I'd still like to take note of it. But since this is an awful filler post of "really I'm doing something guys honest" I might as well fill it with more filler in the form of the Gruedorf anniversary posts that a few others have done.
When I started this blog I was restarting Contrivia from scratch. Skip a year and we now have an almost-finished Contrivia battle system/editor (the second version of it, the first being pre-Gruedorf) with most of the documentation and around 65% of the art, a now-discarded partial version of GRAPES, and a finished Magical Unicorn Adventure.
That's awful. Contrivia still being so far away from being done is awful. Not having GRAPES done by now (and having to restart it) is especially awful. Magical Unicorn Adventure probably having lost the contest because we stalled starting on it for two months is awful. This is terrible. It's a mess.